


間設計,305為玩家提供截然不同的全新體驗。在經典與玻璃光燦間完美融合,突破機殼既定概念,. 重新定義,賦予無限可能。 IN WIN. IN WIN. 精湛美學反映美的要求.

In Win 305 Review (Page 2 of 4)

Overall speaking, the In Win 305 is one tough computer case that is made out of thick sheet metal and tempered glass. It is sturdily built, but it is not rough.

In Win 305 Review (Page 4 of 4)

Page 4 - Installation and Conclusion. The computer building process was enjoyable with the In Win 305. It was really easy to work with, since everything was ...

In-Win 305 ATX Chassis

The 305 black features solid materials such as crystal-like tempered glass and sleek anodized aluminium. The smooth enclosure is eloquently and skillfully ...

Inwin atx 305

Uncompromised Sense of Beauty. The In Win 305 defies the stereotypical “box” design, and enhances the PC building experience. Fusing together a variety of ...

User Manual

The IN WIN team presents the 305, a simple, yet elegant computer chassis crafted from steel and tempered glass. While the 305 is a stunning.

【全台獨家首裝】IN WIN 305 完美再現。當初的感動。

2019年11月25日 — 阿。迎廣305。沒啥特別的啦?等等305? 305? 305? 嗯?台灣怎麼會有賣迎廣305!!難道是外箱包錯了嗎?立馬拆出來看看。原來真的不是包錯啊!

融合木頭面板設計的In Win 305 即將發售,一般版要價115 ...

2017年9月15日 — 不斷嘗試異材質組合與跳脫框架設計的In Win 迎廣,最出名的就是將玻璃帶入機殼外殼,搭配RGB 電競風格成為各廠競相模仿的對象。